World of Warships browser game

Developer and manufacturer Wargaming is an expert in war games and in sending as many players as possible into epic battles at the same time. The game makers were already able to prove this in World of Tanks, and now they are sending you to the ocean in World of Warhips. There you compete with your fleet against enemy ships and try to send all enemy forces into the depths of the sea. However, there are a few things to consider. On the one hand, there are different ships with different abilities, but on the other hand there are some game modes in which the victory conditions differ. Once you’ve gotten used to this online game, you’ll soon be able to experience many victories and glorious battles with your fleet.

Choosing the right ship in World of Warships

In some areas, World of Warships also resembles a tactical shooter that combines action with a modern war game. After all, you can only win if you act wisely with your teammates and don’t rush into the next fight. But you should definitely know which ship variants are available to you. Otherwise it will be difficult for you to gain a foothold quickly. There are a total of four ship types that you can choose between. The destroyers are a particularly fast type of ship and are also very agile. They don’t have many weapons, but they do have a lot of firepower, which means you can help your group with quick attacks. They also use torpedoes to attack, which they hide through fog and make it more difficult for the enemy to accurately identify your attack. The cruiser, on the other hand, has several strengths. There are several anti-aircraft guns, torpedoes and an aircraft landing pad on such a ship. Also special: the rate of fire is very high, which means you can carry out several attacks in a row. Cruisers are therefore versatile and can help you at any time during the fight.

The battleships of the browser game

Battleships are some of the largest ships you can find in World of Warships . Not only can they take a beating thanks to their thick shells, but they also have very powerful cannons. Accordingly, you should be careful if you encounter such a giant during a battle. Tactical finesse is very important here so that you can assert yourself against such ships. Finally, you have the aircraft carriers at your disposal. These are very important, especially for tactics, as they scan the battlefield for you and you can plan and carry out your attacks accordingly. In addition, you can send several dive bombers, torpedo bombers and fighter fighters from your aircraft carrier to attack the enemy ships. But note that they only have weak armor. Since an aircraft carrier tends to operate from the rear lines, it serves as an optimal base and planning center.

War Game Game Modes and Achievements

An action game like World of Warships naturally comes with several game modes so that you don’t get bored. There are several game variants that you can choose between and join. Of course, it makes sense if you have several friends on hand who can also identify with World of Warships. You can either join a random game or a cooperative game. However, you can only complete your missions in random games, as only human players compete against each other. The first game mode is called Standard. Up to 24 players can take part in random play and up to eight players in co-op play. This is, as the name suggests, the basic mode in which you have to capture the generic base or sink all enemy ships.

The number of players in battle is the same as in standard mode. But there is only a base there that you have to take with your fleet and defend against the enemy. The last game variant is called Domination, in which there can be three to five key areas. Here too, the requirements due to the number of players are the same as in the previous modes. Either you collect victory points by taking bases or you sink all enemy ships. So your tactics are very important here too.

Unlock achievements in World of Warships

By the way, you can unlock several achievements with your games. You may already know this from the online service Steam. For example, you will receive an emblem if you are the first to sink an enemy ship in battle or if you eliminate two enemy fleet members within a very short time.

Conclusion on the action shooter World of Warships

World of Warships is perfect for you if you like tactical action games. Only together with your comrades can you defeat your opponent and win. You can also play World of Warships for free .

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