World of Tanks browser game

World of Tanks is a free tank action online game. Venture into the breathtaking battlefield of the 20th century and fight for global tank dominance together with friends from all over the world in the client game World of Tanks . In World of Tanks, the USSR, USA and Germany face each other and are heavily armed from head to toe. You use four tanks as your starting tank, all of which come from the nations participating in the game. Take a seat behind the wheel of a nimble vehicle or leave big ruts in the enemy’s territory in the fantastic online game. This action game is a so-called Free2Play product. You have the opportunity to exchange cash for in-game currency, for example to receive special tanks or to get premium monition. However, the game itself is available to you at any time, so you can play World of Tanks for free.

World of Tanks action game with tanks

Don’t just see your tank as a rattling tin can, but take care of your protective vehicle if you want to survive on the battlefield. Upgrade it with higher quality guns, research new components and upgrade the armor to increase the performance of your mobile vehicle in the tank game. The tanks are divided into five different tank classes: light, medium, heavy, tank destroyer and self-propelled gun. The light ones are intended more for scouting out enemy units and areas, the medium ones are ideal for flank attacks and breaking through enemy lines. If that’s not enough and perhaps you want to feel more oomph, you should use the heavier bullets and duel directly at the front. There is something for everyone in the action game and the variety of vehicles and possible components promises a lot of action and makes boredom a thing of the past right from the start.

Spread across Europe, fight your way through the action-packed battles and explore a wide variety of battle areas with your tanks in the free download game. But be careful, only those who can combine teamwork and tactical understanding at all times will be able to turn the end of this online game around for the better. Form a tank-strong team or join an existing one to defy the enemies and progress as quickly as possible in the strategy game. Leverage your tactical superiority without being afraid of new things and seize global dominance as a team.

The Clan Wars in the tank game

But in addition to the possibility that you can play World of Tanks for free, the MMORPG download game also offers clans the option to fight so-called clan wars and go into battle together as a well-rehearsed team in order to seize control together. Form a so-called alliance with other clans and fight hot duels together with your best-equipped tanks. Take over enemy territory, control it and be on your guard in this great tank game, because tomorrow the province could soon belong to your arch-enemy and put you behind in terms of experience and points. Not only is the large caliber the measure of all things, political action and tactical skills are increasingly important in this very strategy game. Plan all your moves together with your team and be a team player at all times, because there is no room for egoists in the client game World of Tanks. Head into battle today and test your crafty skills. We wish you much success, you will need it.

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