The Spiridonov dynasty: from an air squadron pilot to the director of NKB MIUS, creating equipment for space

The head of a large design bureau of the Southern Federal University spoke about the contribution of his father-scientist to his development, his career path and the origins of his passion for aviation.

Boris Gennadievich and Oleg Borisovich Spiridonov Boris Gennadievich and Oleg Borisovich Spiridonov

The founder of the scientific dynasty in Taganrog is Boris Gennadievich Spiridonov , who graduated from secondary school No. 54 in Rostov-on-Don in 1965 with a gold medal, participant and winner of mathematical Olympiads held by the Russian State University, now – Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Nanotechnology and microsystem technology INEP SFU .

After school, Boris Gennadievich entered the Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute (TRTI). After graduating from university with honors in 1970, he decided to move from Rostov-on-Don to Taganrog. There, the graduate became an engineer at OKB MIUS, and then a junior researcher at the Research Institute of MVS, where he worked until 1982 as a senior researcher.

Boris Gennadievich in the OKB Boris Gennadievich with his wife Boris Gennadievich in the OKB

Boris Gennadievich took an active part in the development of the first domestic specialized microprocessors. He participated in the first All-Union conference on microprocessors in 1975 in Riga. In 1980, he successfully completed his postgraduate studies under Professor A.N. Melikhov and soon moved on to teaching, which he continues to do at the university to this day.

Boris Gennadievich’s son, Oleg Spiridonov , followed in his father’s footsteps and also connected his life with science and TRTI-TRTU-SFU.

“As a child, I didn’t have a clear idea of ​​what I wanted to do. Therefore, after finishing school, my parents’ advice helped me a lot. My father and I chose the specialty “Computers, complexes, systems and networks,” which provided comprehensive training in hardware, software, and network technologies – everything that was supposed to become in demand in the coming years.” – said Oleg Spiridonov .

Oleg Borisovich Spiridonov Oleg Borisovich Spiridonov

After writing his dissertation on the topic “Development of an information security model for an on-board digital computer system,” Oleg Borisovich was engaged in teaching, worked as a project manager at InfoTeKS Taganrog Telecom, supervised large Taganrog enterprises, including aviation, and then headed AVIAOK International. . The young company provided design, programming, and engineering services related to the development of computer technology, various devices and systems for the aviation sector.

Grigorievskaya Maria Demyanovna, grandmother of Oleg Borisovich Spiridonov Grigorievskaya Maria Demyanovna, grandmother of Oleg Borisovich Spiridonov

“By the way, my grandmother, a graduate of the Russian State University in 1949, taught geography all her life at schools No. 17 and No. 47 in Rostov-on-Don, and my grandfather was a navigator of the Rostov joint air squad. During the Second World War, he transported planes to the front, which the USSR received as aid under Lend-Lease, and taught bombing at aviation schools. Then he flew on civil aircraft An-2, Il-12, Il-14 and An-10 in the air squads of Millerovo and Rostov-on-Don.

By the way, my uncle, Viktor Gennadievich, was also a pilot, the commander of the TU-154 aircraft, and performed foreign flights. His son Dmitry Spiridonov is a graduate of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Southern Federal University. Therefore, my attraction to the aviation industry is not accidental,” added the representative of the dynasty.

Gennady Spiridonov – dispatcher at Rostov airport Gennady Spiridonov – dispatcher at Rostov airport

Thanks to the efforts of Oleg Borisovich , training centers were created and equipped at the Southern Federal University in the departments of theoretical foundations of radio engineering and aircraft, which are still functioning today. With the arrival of Marina Borovskaya as rector in 2012, Oleg Spiridonov was offered to head the famous MIUS. The research and design bureau, founded in 1969, has been collaborating with RSC Energia for several decades, where Soviet designer Sergei Korolev worked. MIUS develops automated test systems (AIS), which carry out pre-launch testing of the payload, so not a single launch at the Baikonur Cosmodrome is complete without the participation of the Taganrog Design Bureau.

“AIS are large racks of equipment that read certain signals and, compared with reference samples, make a conclusion about how well the test object is functioning correctly.

In addition to AIS, we develop and supply to RSC Energia simulators of solar panels, squibs, power supplies and other devices.

I would like to note that since 2012, the circle of main customers of NKB MIUS has expanded and now includes not only the space and defense sector, but also the aviation sector,” added Oleg Spiridonov .

Even as director of the NKB, he consults with his father. In most cases, opinions and interests coincide.

“Boris Gennadievich passed on to me a love of literature. He has a large library, many autobiographical books, especially with memories of test pilots. “And now I’m interested in historical works dedicated to Taganrog and our great fellow countryman, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, who stayed several times in Taganrog at the Evropeyskaya Hotel, where the MIUS Research and Design Bureau is now located,” concluded the director of the design bureau.

Text author: Timur Patsyuk

The Spiridonov family in the park of the Rostov airport (1986) The Spiridonov family in the park of the Rostov airport (1986)

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