SysWar browser game

The science fiction genre has always fascinated people because they have always been fascinated by the starry sky and space. This started in ancient times, but of course the genre emerged in the last century, which can be found in films and books as well as in games. And this is exactly what the browser game SysWar is, which allows the player to do nothing less than conquer space. And you can already guess that tactical skills are required here. If you’re just looking for a shooting game, you’ve come to the wrong place. SysWar is about strategy and smart decisions. And you don’t just play for yourself, but with thousands of other players who are also trying their luck. You can mess with these players or form an alliance. Overall, a game with many possibilities. You can find out exactly how SysWar works in this game review.

The conquest of space directly in the browser

It’s incredibly easy to play SysWar because you don’t have to buy anything, download anything, or install anything. The game can be played directly in the browser. And it can be worth it. In 2006, the title came in third place in the Browser Game of the Year vote. Basically, the plot or goal of the game is simply explained, because it’s about conquering space. You start on a planet, build a base there and can continue to develop. At some point even more planets can be discovered, explored and even populated. Anyone who has ever played a building game in the browser will have no problems getting started.

Build a base on your own planet

The game starts with you registering. You can’t play without an account, but you also have the advantage of being able to play from anywhere. Registration is also quick, so the fun can begin at any time. It all starts when you see different planets on a map of space and you can choose one of them. Once this is done, this becomes the new home planet on which you build your world. Next, you can build buildings on the planet that serve different functions. On the one hand you have to mine resources, on the other hand you have to build new spaceships.

At this point at the latest it can be seen that SysWar belongs to the genre of strategy games. You have to manage your resources cleverly and focus on certain intermediate goals. Do you want a strong industry or do you want to invest directly in the military? Both important, but at the end of the day you have to make decisions. At some point you will get to the point where you can build more colonization spaceships with which other planets can be explored and conquered.

Colonize more SysWar planets

At the beginning you only have one planet, which you will have your hands full with. But if you want to have a real empire, you shouldn’t be afraid to reach for other stars. And this can be done by building more spaceships to go to other planets. If these are uninhabited, they can be claimed relatively easily. But sometimes you may have to get down to business with the military. This is not entirely without danger and of course you can lose such fights. But the main element of the game is that over time you expand your empire in space and thus gain more and more power. In principle, this is necessary because there are other players who will not always be friendly.

Fight or ally with fellow players

The highlight of a game like SysWar is, of course, that you don’t play it alone. Because it is an online browser game, multiplayer is built in, so to speak. This means that there are many players who will settle and fight in the same space. At least more or less, since there are currently two universes in which you can play. This means that if friends want to play together, they must select the same universe. But if that is the case, there are many great opportunities to work together.

There are basically three ways you can deal with other players. On the one hand, you can ignore each other, which won’t hurt anyone, so to speak. But then there is also the possibility of fighting against each other. And that will happen again and again. From time to time an opponent is always after your own planet or resources. But there is also the possibility for alliances. In these, players can team up to gain strong allies who can better overcome challenges of all kinds.

Conclusion on the space browser game SysWar

This game has all the ingredients for lots of space settlement fun. The point here is that you start with a planet, but build your empire little by little. This in itself is not that easy because you have to manage resources well. What makes it more difficult is that other players also want to get their piece of the space pie. This means that conflicts are inevitable. Sooner or later you will fight with other players and a strong military would be an advantage. But you should definitely rely on alliances, because you can be stronger together with other players. So there is a lot to do in SysWar.

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