Supremacy 1914 browser game

Supremacy 1914 – It was “the shot heard around the world”: On July 28, 1914, the Serbian extremist Gavrilo Princip shot the heir to the Austrian throne. What does this have to do with online gaming? Quite simply: this attack triggered the First World War, and you can experience exactly that in “Supremacy 1914”, one of the most popular browser games in the “strategy game” category. In 2009, “Supremacy 1914” maker Bytros Labs won the “Browser Game of the Year” award in the “Audience Favorite/Medium Games” category.

So it seems there is something to this world war simulator that can still motivate around a quarter of a million gamers to play online. One point that speaks for the strategy game Supremacy 1914 is the graphics: instead of boring tables, you get stylish maps, isometric building views and newspaper pages. This makes your task even more fun: take over one of the European nations in this online game, lead it with clever tactics, expand it so that it becomes stronger and stronger – and then rule Europe with your invincible military!

Play Supremacy 1914 online

Supremacy 1914 comes as a free browser game, meaning no installation and flash-based, and it’s really fun. It could take several weeks until the end of the First World War, but there will never be a dull moment.

Because in this browser game you have a lot to do: like a statesman at the beginning of the 20th century, you have to take care of all aspects of your empire: Sure, you need a powerful military, but that alone isn’t enough. Would you rather use your raw materials to forge cannons than to expand your railway network? Not a good idea: In this strategy game, this inevitably and realistically leads to you no longer being able to provide for your workers. And if you don’t have anything to eat, you can’t work; This is the same with “Supremacy 1914” as it is in reality.

It is therefore important to provide the necessary barracks, factories, transport routes and ports so that the First World War can take its course. But even if you have your infrastructure perfectly in place, you won’t get far in this online game: alone, they’ll trick you, as the saying goes, because without alliances, alliances and clever deals, victory is unattainable. So, a bit like “Risk”, it’s about bargaining with other heads of states, exploiting common interests and about establishing coalitions and making promises that you can then simply break if necessary – just like in the real life of a head of state. if it is to your own advantage.

Military browser game Supremacy 1914

While negotiations, barracks construction and armaments go their way, you are always well informed about your situation. An attractive interactive map shows you the status of your state, the happiness of your people and the position of your troops. Do you want to know what technology your enemies have? Then use espionage – that works here too. In addition, “The Daily European” regularly informs you about the situation in Europe and, in addition to big politics, also contains a lot of gossip.

It all seems pretty real, is always plausible thanks to excellent AI – and rocks. Despite the dark subject, this browser game is a real star in the online sky.

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