Southern Federal became a partner of the IT Education Development Fund

The fund was formed by large IT companies in the Rostov region. The first partner of the Foundation was the Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science named after. I.I. Vorovich SFU.

The fund will support educational initiatives and programs, provide students with paid internships and employment.

Alexander Ostafiychuk , senior lecturer at the Department of Automation Technology in Business, representative of the Foundation at SFU:

“In essence, we are talking about combining such elements as educational trajectories and practical activities in the IT industry for students of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Science, the Faculty of Physics, the Institute of High Technologies and Piezotechnics and other faculties: starting from the second year, they will be taught not only by university teachers, but also highly qualified specialists from IT companies, so that by the third year they can go on a paid internship, and by the fourth year they can become full-fledged employees. At the same time, the children will have the opportunity to combine study with work and work on their own projects as part of their graduation theses.”

The Fund includes the Federal State Institution Research Institute “Specialized Computer Protection Devices and Automation”, PJSC KB “Center-Invest”, limited liability companies “Webant”, “Webpraktik”, “Inostudio Solutions”, “RND Soft”, “Sebbia”, “Fast Reports” “, “Digital transformation of business”.

The largest universities and leaders of the IT market in the Rostov region are confident that a unified strategy and qualitative transformation of the personnel training system in the IT field is necessary. General Director of the company “Webpraktik” , head of the ANO “Development of IT Education” Alexander Bukurov noted that these issues are included in the tasks of the Fund, which is aimed at improving the quality of training of specialists and ensuring the human resources potential of IT companies in the region:

“University programs for training IT specialists must comply with the trends of a dynamically developing industry, use a modern technology stack and actively interact with practical experts. The founding companies of the Foundation are ready to conduct internships for IT teachers, help with updating educational programs and work together with students on real cases so that they receive the knowledge and skills that meet the requirements of future employers.”

Alla Shlyupkina , manager of educational programs at Fast Reports:

“The IT industry is a very promising industry, but now many companies, especially in Russia, are in dire need of personnel. Our main task is not only to select employees from among talented students, but also to show the guys that they can get good experience and a decent salary here, in the Rostov region, in Russia”

Representatives of the Foundation announced an eight-week hackathon for our students.

Alexander Shorin , head of the personnel department at RND SOFT, spoke about the essence of the project:

“Starting April 9, we will work with the guys every Saturday. Students will be able to choose interesting cases from the Foundation’s companies, work in selected areas in close collaboration with experts, and participate in master classes: we will tell you how to assemble your product, build your company, and teach you how to work with customers. All this will take place in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Participants will be treated to pizza and sweet drinks. The best will receive a paid internship, as well as a cash prize!”

Representative of Center-Invest PJSC Evgeny Kuznetsov noted that this will be one of the largest IT hackathons in the Rostov region. Registration will open on April 4. Follow the hackathon community for details👈


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