SFU sums up the Year of Science and Technology

The year 2021, which was declared the Year of Science and Technology in our country, is coming to an end.

This year, Southern Federal University, together with the whole country, dedicated most of its events to the Year of Science and Technology. SFU hosted project intensives, festivals, film festivals, open lectures, conferences and forums dedicated to the research, development and implementation of scientific projects of our scientists. The university became a participant in federal events dedicated to the Year of Science and Technology, as well as a winner of various competitions, including the Priority 2030 program.

“The main goal of the Year of Science and Technology was to give a new impetus to the scientific and technological development of the country, to expand the perspective on how science should develop, how modern education should be built, which prepares the personnel of the future in universities and scientific institutes. Therefore, summing up the results of the year, I want to say that, in general, this year was aimed at integrating and solving problems related to the implementation of the national project “Science and Universities”, with participation in the “Priority 2030” program, where SFU presented a development program for the coming 10 years. The program provides for the transformation of educational, scientific, and innovative activities,” emphasized SFU Rector Inna Shevchenko.

SFU was among the winners of the basic part of the Priority 2030 program, as well as the special track Research Leadership.

The Priority 2030 program will allow concentrating resources to ensure the contribution of Russian universities to achieving the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, increasing the scientific and educational potential of universities and scientific organizations, as well as ensuring their participation in the socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation .

In its development program, SFU formulates five main strategic projects that should respond to global long-term challenges facing humanity, the country and the world.

“In the 21st century, the pace of creation of new materials with given properties determines the success of an inidual company and the security of the country as a whole. In the field of modern materials science, SFU will focus its efforts on research that will help create unique stations that integrate automated systems for computer theoretical design of the structure of materials, their microfluidic synthesis and multispectral diagnostics of structure and properties. Under the control of artificial intelligence, these stations will function as highly efficient “self-controlled” laboratories, ensuring a multiple increase in the pace of development of new materials,” said Inna Shevchenko.

In addition, in response to global food security risks, the university will study the state and mechanisms of changes in fertile soil cover and, based on research, will develop soil remediation technologies that will significantly increase the yield of key crops without the use of genetic methods and will reduce the volume of fertilizers applied to the soil.

Understanding the role of social and humanitarian research, SFU carries out research on the mechanisms for the development of a stable, solidary society.

In the field of intelligent control systems, SFU will work to develop research on key basic technologies for autonomous control of groups of heterogeneous robotic systems and the creation of unique biohybrid systems based on brain-brain and brain-computer interfaces. To verify the developed solutions, a hybrid physical and virtual multi-medium test site will be created.

These strategic projects of SFU will also allow us to increase the pace of training of researchers and will become the basis of the program with the help of which the university intends to respond to the global challenges of the world agenda, our state and future technological challenges of the largest Russian companies.

In 2021, SFU also became a participant in various federal events dedicated to the Year of Science and Technology:

“Vuzpromexpo-2021” and the Congress of Young Scientists:

From December 8 to 10, the Congress of Young Scientists and the annual national exhibition “Vuzpromexpo-2021” were held in Sochi .

The Southern Federal University was represented by a delegation of young scientists and staff led by Rector Inna Shevchenko.

As part of the business program, a round table “Current problems of legislative recognition of the status of young scientists in the Russian Federation” was held. Many topics were discussed at the discussion platform, for example, “How universities help develop the territories of the “Third Mission” of the university”, “How technology is changing higher education”, “Careers in science and education: the potential of personnel competitions”, “New tools for supporting young scientists” and etc. Congress participants attended plenary sessions, discussions and exhibitions, were able to listen to speeches by outstanding scientific figures of the country, and the rector of SFU acted as an expert at several discussion platforms.

Among the many young and talented specialists present at the congress were young scientists from SFU: Inna Tupaeva, Pavel Shaposhnikov, Rostislav Nedin, Anna Pnevskaya, Andrey Tupaev, Vera Butova, Olesya Shipitko, Galina Suharina, Irina Ivanova,Daria Titova and Tatyana Bauer .

At the national exhibition “VUZPROMEXPO-2021” SFU presented the latest samples of high-tech products, developed jointly with industrial partners. Among them: Hardware and software complex PC UCHK “Processing of biometric data” (PC OBD), developed by the Scientific Research Center of Neurotechnology, Earth Orientation Device (Product POZ), developed by the Scientific and Technical Center “Technocenter”, Complex for pasteurization of liquid food products using microwave radiation and the Complex seed treatment using microwave radiation, developed by the Engineering Center for Instrument Making, Radio and Microelectronics, and other projects.

At the VUZPROMEXPO-2021 site, an agreement on cooperation in the field of marine robotics was signed between three universities in the South of Russia: Southern Federal, Sevastopol and Astrakhan State Universities. The cooperation is aimed at the development of marine robotics, the most complete and rational use of the educational, scientific, innovative and intellectual potential of universities.

Project “Science is Nearby”

Also, in the Year of Science and Technology, SFU took part in the social project “Science is Nearby”, implemented by the ANO “National Priorities”. Photos of 150 modern young researchers with information about their discoveries have already been posted on billboards in 55 regions of Russia.

Senior researcher at the Research Institute of Robotics and Control Processes of the Southern Federal University, head of the Target Search Laboratory for “Breakthrough Intelligent Technologies of Group Control of the RTK” of the Foundation for Advanced Research Viktor Shevchenko. Senior researcher at the Research Institute of Robotics and Control Processes of the Southern Federal University, head of the Target Search Laboratory for “Breakthrough Intelligent Technologies of Group Control of the RTK” of the Foundation for Advanced Research Viktor Shevchenko.

Senior researcher at the Research Institute of Robotics and Control Processes of the Southern Federal University, head of the Target Search Laboratory for “Breakthrough Intelligent Technologies of Group Control of the RTK” of the Foundation for Advanced Research, Viktor Shevchenko is posted on a billboard in Taganrog.

He developed an intelligent system for group control of robots, created a smart control system for drones, and taught robots to interact with humans and the environment.

Days of actual scientific cinema FUNK at SFU:

As part of the Year of Science and Technology, the scientific film festival FANK was held at SFU. Film screenings with guest lecturers and scientists of SFU took place at various sites in the city and structural isions of the university: the main building of SFU, the Faculty of Physics, the Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science named after I. I. Vorovich SFU, the Academy of Biology and Biotechnology named after. D.I. Ivanovsky SFU, Boiling point SFU, Specialized educational and scientific center of the Southern Federal District. In total, seven popular science and documentary films were shown during the festival.

On December 23, the closing ceremony of the FANK film festival and the solemn summing up of the Year of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation took place at the SFU History Museum.

SFU Vice-Rector Maxim Bondarev and Chief Researcher of the SFU Faculty of Chemistry Vladimir Guterman. SFU Vice-Rector Maxim Bondarev and Chief Researcher of the SFU Faculty of Chemistry Vladimir Guterman.

As part of the ceremony, letters of gratitude were presented to scientists, teachers and staff of SFU who actively participated in popularizing science and promoting the brand of Southern Federal University, acting as experts in various fields of science and participating in popular science projects of SFU.

The year of science and technology is coming to an end, but the scientific agenda at the Southern Federal University is only intensifying. And plans have already been made for next year.

“For the coming year, we want to focus the university on four key strategic projects and a project to create digital testing grounds and a digital environment for controlling robotic systems and creating advanced communication technologies. These projects are connected not only with research, but also with an educational agenda, where we will launch a number of new educational programs that are related to artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics and those competencies that are unique for our university,” noted SFU Rector Inna Shevchenko .

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