SFU student teams took part in the All-Russian event “Garden of Memory”

In honor of the memory of employees who participated in the Second World War, our students planted an alley of 10 silver maples in the Botanical Garden of Southern Federal University.

10 maples – 10 significant names in memory of the university and country!

Kalyaev Vasily Anatolyevich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1984), Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2000), Director of the Research Institute of Multiprocessor Computing Systems of the Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute (1973-1993).

Zhdanov Yuri Andreevich – rector of Rostov State University (1957-1988), chairman of the North Caucasus Scientific Center of the Higher School of Science (1969-2006), Doctor of Chemical Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991), laureate of the USSR State Prize.

Osipov Osip Aleksandrovich – Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Head of the Department of Physical and Colloid Chemistry (1961-1983).

Vorovich Joseph Izrailevich – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Director of the Research Institute of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics of the Russian State University (1971-2001), professor and founder of the Department of Elasticity Theory of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.

Molodkin Petr Fedorovich – Professor of the Department of Geomorphology of the Faculty of Geology and Geography of the Russian State University, Doctor of Geographical Sciences.

Inozemtsev Georgy Aleksandrovich – Dean of the Faculty of History and Philology of the Russian State University (1955-1957), Candidate of Historical Sciences.

Burkina Taisiya Markovna is an employee of the Faculty of Biology and Soils at the Botanical Garden. In 1942-1945 she worked at a naval base repairing ships fighting for Malaya Zemlya near Novorossiysk, and took part in the heroic battle of Tuapse.

Zhernovoy Andrey Stepanovich – worked at the Botanical Garden of the Russian State University from 1938 to 1983, including 22 years as director. He founded a collection of nut-bearing plants and actively introduced the walnut culture in the Rostov region.

Viktor Andreevich Stupin – director of the Botanical Garden of the Russian State University (1973-1977), candidate of agricultural sciences, senior researcher (1977-1991), supervised the collection of fruit plants.

Sadimenko Pavel Aleksandrovich – Director of the Botanical Garden of the Russian State University (1948–1951), Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science (1967–1973), Head of the Department of Soil Science and Agrochemistry (1987–1995), Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor.

#Botanical Garden of SFU#Garden of Memory#Victory Day of SFU#SFU#Student Squad of SFU#Student of SFU

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