SFedU student is developing a device to detect heart disease

Third-year student at the Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science named after. I.I. Vorovich SFU Danil Sidorenko, together with the Lotus Science Development company, is developing a project in the field of medicine iQKnock.

Danil Sidorenko, third year student at the Institute of Mathematics and Mathematics of the Southern Federal University

Third-year student at the Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science named after. I.I. Vorovich SFU Danil Sidorenko jointlywith the Lotus Science Development company is developing a project in the field of medicine iQKnock.

The development is a gadget that not only detects cardiac pathologies at an early stage, but also provides the most accurate control over the development of the fetus in the womb: the device is able to detect the heartbeat from the 12th week of pregnancy.

“We have already created the device itself. All that remains is to remove the noise and teach the neural network to detect cardiac pathologies. I would like to do this project as part of my thesis,” Danil shared .

The gadget records data around the clock, which is transmitted to the server and analyzed. At the slightest deviation from the norm, the doctor will receive notifications via a special mobile application. In addition, the device can serve as an alternative to Doppler, which can be used when examining one patient for no more than 20-60 minutes during the day.

The medical community has already shown interest in the project. Experts from the Rostov Research Institute of Obstetrics and Pediatrics and the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after A. Academician V.I. Kulakova.

By the way, this is not the first technological project that Danil is developing. On March 4, at the SFEDU STARTUPS pitch session, the student spoke about his new development – an intelligent system of internal accounting, analytics and management decision-making (IQDM – iQ Dicision Management).

According to Danil, the system will be able to help enterprise managers improve the efficiency of their teams and free employees from paperwork:

“The product will be aimed at monitoring employees and predicting their activity in the near future. The system will also keep track of all accounting red tape: salaries, debits, credits, off-balance sheet accounts, turnover, etc. The project includes forecasting product sales, graphical visualizations of all figures, as well as a unique employee incentive system.”

Before this, the student managed to launch a startup – recruit a small team of programmer friends and open a software development studio.

“I looked for orders and distributed them to the guys, including myself who was involved in the development. These were mainly websites and chatbots. The largest project we have created is a video platform for consultation with specialists. There were specialists and users who, for example, ordered a consultation with a psychologist, astrologer, etc. We also developed a mobile application that monitored the movement of public transport. The system told the driver when to speed up or slow down to stay on schedule.”

In order to help competitors from SFU develop projects from different angles, experts from the Southern Federal University have developed a year-round support program SFEDU STARTUPS.

Write to Teams: Alexey Aleksandrovich Poddubskii,[email protected]

CEO of LSD LLC Vyacheslav Braitsev (graduate of the Faculty of Economics of the Southern Federal University) expresses his deep gratitude to Alexander Vladimirovich Shiring, doctor of the gynecology department of the Research Institute of Accelerators, senior teacher of the simulation and certification center, candidate of medical sciences for his active participation in the project and assistance in its promotion.


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