SFedU scientists are developing an organic, non-addictive painkiller

At the Scientific Research Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry of the Southern Federal University, based on the laboratory of organic synthesis, scientists conduct fundamental research with an eye to obtaining previously unknown compounds that are of interest as biologically active compounds.

Anatoly Morkovnik , chief researcher, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, head of the laboratory of organic synthesis, Research Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry, Southern Federal University:

“The drug RU-1205 can increase the effectiveness and safety of therapy for a wide range of socially significant diseases accompanied by severe pain. It is clear that there is now a high level of demand for drugs to reduce pain with pronounced effectiveness and low drug-induced potential. This problem is global in nature: until recently, about 40,000 patients per year died from opiate painkillers in the United States, mainly from the inhibitory effect of opiates on the respiratory center, which is not observed in the case of RU-1205.”

The drug is designed for use as an analgesic for severe pain syndromes associated with trauma (mechanical, gunshot, thermal, combined), surgical operations, diseases of internal organs, myocardial infarction, malignant neoplasms and chronic diseases. It can find its application in surgery, anesthesiology, obstetrics and gynecology, traumatology, oncology, neurology and cardiology.

To implement the analgesic RU-1205 developed by SFU scientists into practice, there is already a candidate substance, a method for its preparation and pharmacological characteristics. Business structures are already analyzing the potential market for the analgesic, the nature of the risks, the amount of financial costs for conducting clinical trials, organizing pilot production, expected profits and payback period.


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