SFEDU GO: Winter Garden of SFU and its famous palm tree

We tell the story of the SFedU Winter Garden

An unusual location – the Winter Garden – is located at the Engineering and Technology Academy of Southern Federal University in Taganrog.

The creation of a unique location was timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute (later TRTU, now ITA SFU) in 2002.

For this important date for the city and the university, it was decided to carry out landscaping of the surrounding area and restoration of the facades of the institute’s buildings. During the course of the planned work, a proposal was received to combine building “D” with the buildings located behind it. In the space, covered with a glass roof, it was planned to place paved two-level courtyards with benches, lanterns, and landscaping elements, where students and teachers could relax between classes.

“Sponsorship funds were also attracted to improve the territory. This is the money of our graduates and partners. With their help, it was possible not only to reconstruct the courtyard, but also to equip the Academic Council Hall, which was located in one of the buildings adjacent to building “D”. An honorary plaque with the names of everyone who contributed to the development of TRTU can be seen near the entrance to the ZUS,” said Vasily Romanovich, deputy head of the Department of Capital Construction, Operation and Infrastructure Development of the Southern Federal University in Taganrog .

One of the calling cards of the Winter Garden, as well as the Taganrog campus of SFU, is the palm tree. It appeared, one might say, by accident in the atrium of building “D” in 2004.

“The deputy head of the Taganrog administration, Sergei Revko, contacted me: some organization was giving them this palm tree. Although the plant was young, it was already quite tall, about three meters. I told the rector of TRTU Vladislav Zakharevich about this proposal, and he agreed without hesitation. This is how the palm tree appeared in our Winter Garden,” noted Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Viktor Obukhovets (who at that time held the post of vice-rector for academic affairs at TRTU).

The plant, unusual for our region, has taken root and is doing great.

“The transparent polycarbonate roof allows the palm tree to receive enough light. The plant is watered on average 2-3 times a week, but the frequency also depends on the time of year: less water is needed in autumn and winter.

Our palm tree is doing well. The lower leaves turn a little yellow, but this is a natural process. A gardener takes care of the tree. In the autumn-spring period, he cuts down dying branches,” said Vasily Romanovich.

By the way, in 2015, dendrologists at the Botanical Garden of the Southern Federal University conducted a survey of the Taganrog palm tree. They assured their colleagues from ITA that the tree was in excellent condition, it had enough heat and light and would not require additional roof reconstruction in the near future.

In addition to palm trees, ferns and spruce trees grow in the winter garden of ITA SFU. Arborvitae and junipers were planted on the steps along the slopes this spring. Also, according to the commandant of Corps “D” Natalya Yufereva, in the garden you can see araucaria, hibiscus, zamioculcas, dracaena, monstera, and dieffenbachia.

“On the threshold of the winter garden’s twentieth anniversary, I want to improve it. The plans include updating the roof, possibly replacing polycarbonate with glass. However, here we need, on the one hand, a fundamental, and on the other hand, a creative approach that allows us to combine all existing ideas. If we manage to make a roof, then we will modernize the interior space, but of course we will preserve the main advantage – the palm tree,” concluded Vasily Romanovich.

By the way, for many years the central part of the Winter Garden was decorated with a sculpture of a Scythian elk calf – a symbol of TRTI. A miniature figurine of this animal was found during excavation work during the construction of building “D”. Since 2014, the elk calf has been in the Polytechnic Museum of the ITA SFU, and the symbols of the Southern Federal University are located in the Winter Garden.

It should be noted that the garden is very popular among students of the Academy of Engineering and Technology. Here, among the green vegetation, students love to spend time between classes. Until 2013, food stations were located in the winter garden.

It was in building “D”, closer to the unique palm tree, that in 2017 the admissions committee of ITA SFU was moved from building “A”. For six years now, the Winter Garden has been a permanent venue for the largest programming marathon in the south of Russia, “Hackathon Cyber ​​Garden,” which takes place under the slogan “We write code under a palm tree,” and also hosts ceremonial events, open days, student government schools, and more.

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