#Scientific Regiment of SFU: Anatoly Vasilyevich Kalyaev

We are talking about an outstanding scientist in the field of supercomputers and a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Anatoly Kalyaev.

Anatoly Vasilyevich Kalyaev (06/29/1922 – 03/10/2004) – rector of the Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute (1968-1986), professor, Soviet and Russian scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2000).

In the summer of 1941, Anatoly Vasilyevich volunteered to join the Leningrad People’s Militia as part of the 42nd Army. All three years of defense he was at the front in the blockade ring. In 1944-1945 he took part in the defeat of fascist troops near Leningrad and in the Baltic states.

Victory Day, May 9, 1945, was celebrated on the small island of Väike-Pokri in the Baltic Sea near the port of Paldiski, where he carried out the task of protecting the country’s maritime borders. Awarded 5 orders and 14 medals.

Anatoly Vasilyevich Kalyaev is an organizer, scientific director and recognized leader of a leading scientific school, which is known for its authority in a wide circle of scientists in Russia and abroad!

#SFU Scientific Regiment #SFU #SFU Scientists

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