Science in the faces of SFU: discoverer of Turkmen deposits Vladimir Sedletsky

Vladimir Sedletsky turns 85 this year. The professor gave 42 years of his life to the university.

Vladimir Ivanovich graduated from Rostov State University in 1959. For the next eight years after graduation, he worked on a field geological expedition in Eastern Turkmenistan and rose to the rank of chief geologist. After returning to Rostov in 1971, he was appointed the first and youngest vice-rector of the Russian State University. Then, until 2013, Professor Sedletsky held the position of head of the department of mineralogy and petrography, and since then to this day he has been a professor in this department. And only 5 years ago he stopped going to field practice for his geology students.

Vladimir Ivanovich defended his candidate’s dissertation in 1966, his doctorate in 1972, and received the title of professor in 1973. In addition, in 1994 he was elected academician of the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Russian Federation.

Also, at various times, Professor Sedletsky worked as the first deputy chairman of the North Caucasus Scientific Center of Higher Education and as a professor at the Department of Mineralogy and Petrography at Rostov University. Vladimir Ivanovich is the author of more than 200 scientific works, including 8 monographs. Specialization: lithology and sedimentary minerals, coal and petroleum geology, energy, ecology.

A unique brick encyclopedia, published by his student, is dedicated to Vladimir Ivanovich:
“I want to dedicate this work, which is the result of my own research, to my teacher – a man and teacher with a capital letter, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Sedletsky, who saw in me , a 3rd year student, back in 1972, a promising researcher who has supported all my endeavors throughout my working life,” said Boris Talpa, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Geography, Ecology and Nature Conservation at SFU .

Professor Sedletsky created his own school of lithologists, which has received general recognition in our country and abroad. As part of the ongoing research, 4 doctors and more than 20 candidates of science, including foreign ones, have been trained. The fundamental work in this area is the textbook for universities “Lithogenesis”, published in 1997.

In the field of energy, with the direct participation of Vladimir Ivanovich, large programs on energy saving and alternative energy sources are being implemented, one of the first pilot industrial wind power stations in Russia was built in the Tsimlyansk region.

Among other things, Professor Sedletsky led the development of the Federal Target Program “South of Russia”, was a member of the editorial boards of academic and regional scientific journals, and also received a number of government awards.

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