Rising Force online browser game

Rising Force Online – in addition to the established giants of the genre in the field of online games, it is primarily the Asians who continue to bring good alternatives for games onto the market. With RF Online there is a title that has been in the world of online games for quite a while. In Rising Force Online you immerse yourself in a world of science fiction and can resort to unique PVP battles, especially later in the game. However, until you get to this point, it takes some time, which you spend mainly on strenuous quests and leveling up.

Play Rising Force Online and level up your character

At the beginning of every world in the area of ​​online games, Rising Force Online naturally includes creating your own character. Here, too, you can choose from different classes, which then determine your path through the world. In the science fiction game Rising Force Online you can’t choose from elves, dwarves, orcs or other races from the classic fantasy world, but you have a different selection that doesn’t make the game any less exciting. For example, you can choose a robot race for your character or the humans, all of which have their own abilities and offer a good opportunity to compete against the robots of Rising Force Online. There is very little else on the planet Novus that reminds us of the classic worlds of fantasy that you can now find in almost every good MMORPG game. Instead, the world is very adapted to Earth and invites the player to take long walks through the world if they want to discover every little secret. Once you have created your own character with one of the races, you will find yourself directly involved in the gameplay of Rising Force Online.

The player can learn the basics of Rising Force Online with a short tutorial and after just a few minutes you should be able to move around the world independently and without any problems. The online game also differs in other ways from the tried and tested principle known from other MMOs of recent years. For example, the player cannot get the quests by talking to an NPC, but rather receives them on a kind of mobile phone with each level increase. The problem here, however, is that you are not always adapted to the appropriate levels for the quest. Sometimes you’ll get an assignment that’s a bit far away in terms of level, which means you’ll have to grind a bit before you can even get to grips with the possibilities in this area in Rising Force Online.

The game Rising Force Online probably has its clearest weaknesses in the area of ​​quests. Both the assignment of the quests and the content can be assessed as rather weak in direct comparison with other titles. Anyone who expects a little action on the way to the top of the level when playing role-playing games online might encounter some disappointments here. So the path to the culmination of one’s own abilities is a little problematic. Even if this may reduce the fun of the game a little for you, you should definitely persevere. Once you’ve reached the appropriate level, Rising Force Online really begins.

Experience thrilling PvP battles in the online game Rising Force Online

Most role-playing games in recent years have of course specialized in the development of the PvE environment in order to offer players a great experience when questing and exploring dungeons. Rising Force Online takes a different approach. As already mentioned above, you only have a few strengths in the PvE area – but the PvP area is even better and offers many great battles that you can play with an equipped character.

Since the entire role-playing game only focuses on time in the PvP area, this is also where you will find the real strengths of Rising Force Online. The PVP battles are incredibly well done and offer a lot of finesse in terms of tactics and strategy. Single players are very quickly lost in this area, as in the fight between factions you only have a slight chance of defeating your opponents with good teamwork. In addition to the battlefields on which the PvP battles take place, you also have various vehicles and spaceships available to help you achieve the goal of Rising Force Online.

In order to cover the costs for the PvP area, you definitely have to go back into the world between battles and collect a little money at Rising Force Online. The best way to do this is to go to the mines of the world. Here you can not only find money and experience by killing monsters, but also the coveted ore that you can use to improve your armor. The robot race is particularly in demand here. With the raw materials from the mines you can significantly improve your equipment and thus lay the foundation for a good battle in the PvP area in order to fully enjoy Rising Force Online.

If you prefer quests and instances when playing Rising Force Online for free, you probably won’t get your money’s worth with this title. The area is not developed enough for that. All players who like to compete with other players will definitely have a lot of fun playing the online game Rising Force Online due to the good opportunities in the player versus player area.

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