Representatives of the Taganrog IT community appreciated the measures to support the industry by the Government of the Russian Federation

Under the conditions of sanctions against Russia, a package of measures was adopted aimed at supporting domestic information technologies.

The tense geopolitical situation and sanctions imposed by the world community against the Russian Federation are forcing the country’s government to take prompt response actions. In particular, the IT industry has become one of the important areas of support.

At the beginning of March 2022, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin announced measures to support domestic organizations involved in information technology. Thus, Russian IT companies will be exempt from paying income tax and inspections by regulatory authorities for the next 3 years; organizations in this area can take out loans at a rate not exceeding 3%; Grant support for the IT industry will increase, etc.

Maxim Bolotov Maxim Bolotov

“In my opinion, the most important measure is a deferment from military service for company employees under 27 years of age. This is one of the concerns that professionals have when thinking about relocating to other countries.

At the same time, it is important to provide a deferment not only to developers with specialized diplomas, but to all specialists involved in the company’s production chains. If someone “falls out” from the established teams, this will immediately have a negative impact on the industry, the development of which should only accelerate to solve the country’s problems.

In the context of the imposed sanctions, we will need to make even more efforts to enter the markets of Southeast Asia and strengthen our presence in them. The priority areas should be support measures to simplify doing business, increase its profitability and develop human capital at both the federal and regional levels. This will allow all other economic entities, which today are difficult to imagine without IT in some cases, to increase their efficiency manifold,” said Maxim Bolotov, leader of the “Boiling Point” ITA SFU, CEO of INOSTUDIO, president of the association of digital solutions developers BRAINHORN .

According to experts, it will be possible to talk about the impact of sanctions only in a few months. However, work to support the industry has not stopped since the first days of sanctions. A balanced approach to decisions should benefit not only the IT sector, but also the country as a whole.

Veronica Conn Veronica Conn

“It would be great if companies received funding from the state for the development of young specialists without experience, who, upon completion of the internship, could choose for themselves whether to remain in this organization or not. This practice exists in many IT companies, but it implies certain obligations in the relationship between the employer and the trainee: no company wants to waste its resources in vain.

During this difficult time, we are trying to maintain feedback with employees, organize team building activities and try to defuse the situation.

As for the outflow of specialists, those who want to live here will stay and look for advantages; those who plan to leave will do so anyway,” said Veronica Conn , SFU graduate, Head of HR at Afterlogic .

Representatives of the Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security – the flagship of the Southern Federal University and the Rostov region in the field of IT education – see new challenges in the current situation.

Maxim Grigorenko Maxim Grigorenko

“The desire to enter IT has not gone away. Quite the contrary: if everything foreign becomes unavailable, then the demand for domestic developers will significantly increase and dependence on foreign organizations will gradually disappear. Therefore, I definitely plan to work in a Russian company and help create more IT products for internal consumption,” said 3rd year student of IKTIB SFU Maxim Grigorenko .

Gennady Veselov Gennady Veselov

“Now new opportunities are opening up: in connection with import substitution, Russian industry will require more developments. Domestic IT companies will receive everything for formation and development. They will reorient their orders, this will lead to the creation of a good Russian market,” concluded Gennady Veselov, director of the Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security .


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