Remanum browser game

Remanum the strategy simulation – a well-known saying goes that even the eternal city, Rome, was not built in a day. You certainly can’t argue with this fact, but with the online trading simulation “Remanum” you can at least try to achieve more in 24 hours than the ancient Romans did when building cities. The economic simulation can best be classified in the category of strategy browser games and puts the focus entirely on economic points. You can play Remanum for free and all you need to play is a web browser connected to the Internet and a valid email address for registration.

Once you have registered successfully, you choose not only a suitable avatar picture but also your name and your starting location. The game itself then begins in one of the ancient metropolises you have selected. The cities differ not only in terms of their ethnicity, but also in the amount of start-up capital provided. The simulation browser game provides you as a beginner with an attractive lady who will introduce you to the processes of production chains and explain to you the importance of political influence.

Play Remanum the economic simulation online for free

But before you get involved in omnipresent politics as a respected and successful citizen, you first have to establish a profitable and functioning business in the city. It is important to always observe the basic principles of free trade, because the interaction of supply and demand is like a dizzying balancing act.

Anyone who consistently ignores market demand and instead inflexibly throws their clay amphoras onto the saturated market will sooner or later suffer shipwreck and will most likely not receive any rescue packages from the respective government. This would more or less explain the main goal of the economic simulation – namely reaching the top places in the high score through clever economics and action in both senses.

Do business well in Remanum’s trading simulation

As is usual in strategy browser games, you compete with numerous other human players and opponents for the favor of the money-spending population. The sophisticated system allows you to actively trade with your fellow players and thus increase the wealth of you and your trading partners. A classic win-win situation that you can use to further expand your manufacturing buildings and thus increase the efficiency and yield of your ancient factories. Furthermore, active interaction is promoted by the trading simulation itself, as you can use denarii and fellow players to advance the expansion of important public buildings and thus gain important advantages for your own production and increased reputation for yourself and your fellow players as a reward.

The simulation browser game offers you a wide variety of opportunities to become rich in the world of the ancient Mediterranean. As mentioned, you can play and use Remanum for free. The game offers a flexible and well-thought-out economic system that registers changing market conditions and independently calculates the possible effects on prices. If you master the interaction of supply, demand and reputation, you can become the emperor of the game world.

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