Rangersland browser game

Rangersland is the ideal browser game and role-playing game for everyone who loves westerns. At Rangersland you don’t have to watch a John Wayne movie – you can become a gunslinger yourself at any time. You’ve probably sometimes wished that you could have been there back then, when there was this exciting atmosphere of optimism, when there were still vast unexplored, even partly undiscovered areas, and when all you had to do was get a ticket to America to be able to start a whole new life there. The excitement that the first settlers in America experienced fills many books and films – and of course browser games; RPGs like Rangersland .

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In this online game you live in the Wild West, in an actually quite nice town. Since idleness is not welcome there, you have to take up a profession. You can become a farmer or rancher, you can build a distillery – whiskey is always needed in the Wild West and Rangersland – or you can dedicate yourself to the fight for the good and just cause and the laws and become a sheriff. However, if you are one of those who move around the country – always be on your guard, because surprises can be waiting for you somewhere at any time and you will have to face various challenges. Of course, the settlement you live in also needs to be expanded; Many role-playing games also have elements of strategy games.

Western browser game Rangersland

There is one thing you have to remember carefully in this context. You can get everything you need to expand the settlement – more herds of cattle, more land, more raw materials – through hard work. Or you can get it with brutal force of arms. In the Wild West, morals were rough… The gunslinger who isn’t afraid to draw his weapon gets what he wants at least as easily, if not more easily, than the law-abiding, good settler who makes an honest effort to get it. Brute force can make you successful in Rangersland, as can negotiation skills; choose what suits you better. Either because it corresponds to your real character, or because it corresponds to your game character. Role-playing games offer the fascinating opportunity to simply be someone completely different for a while, to go through life as a completely different person. At Rangersland you can fulfill your dream of being one of those tough guys who have made the American West their country. By the way, cowgirls and female rangers and sheriffs are always welcome in this free browser game.

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