Pirates – Tides of Fortune browser game

Are you a lover of the movies about Jack Sparrow and his pirate adventures? Then Pirates – Tides of Fortune might be just right for you. This pirate game has a real sailor flair and you’re sailing the seven seas. You have many tasks that you have to take care of – you should be particularly careful of opposing privateers.

In the browser game Pirates – Tides of Fortune you start as a little landlubber on an island. Your goal is to dominate the seas, have a large fleet and expand and manage your own island. In doing so, you expand, build more and more ships and also hire a crew with whom you then take on enemy ships and ports. Accordingly, you have your hands full with this strategy game and should never rest on your laurels. Otherwise, a large fleet will come right around the corner and unload all its cannons on you and your winning ships. So be careful and, if necessary, join forces with neighboring ports in order to be able to provide more fighting strength.

The port of Pirates – Tides of Fortune

In the browser game Pirates – Tides of Fortune you have a harbor that is initially quite empty and offers a lot of building space. Over time you build more and more buildings, thereby harvesting more resources that you will need as the game progresses. After all, your crew wants to be rewarded, ships are also expensive, but they are also important. Without ships, you can’t go on raids or missions that will bring home valuable gold and other treasures. This will make you more popular as a captain and more attractive to potential allies when it comes to forming an alliance. The counterpart, of course, are more bloodthirsty players who want to make your treasures their own. Accordingly, you should have defenses so that your wealth is protected from enemy attacks.

Furthermore, you control all of your possessions in Pirates – Tides of Fortune from your port. You also have a logbook through which you always have an overview of your friends and enemies. Don’t forget: You get free loot every day that floats in the sea near your port. So remember to collect these every day. Discoveries are also very important. So you should never stand still in the area of ​​research so that you can always look forward to new technologies. These ultimately help you to gain more power – and more power also means being able to present greater strength on the seven seas.

Make great discoveries in Pirates – Tides of Fortune

You can make discoveries by always looking for special sketches. These provide you with special information through which you can gain new knowledge. However, you need an observatory in advance. There you research new buildings for your port and units for your fleet. Additionally, it is important to improve the observatory itself so that you can conduct your research faster. Your resource stores should also be well stocked. Over time, you will need more and more gold, wood and rum to make new discoveries. The higher the level, the higher the price.

The right strategy and the resources required

In general, you should pursue your own strategy in this online game. It is important that you know exactly what you want to focus on. If your goal is to be more defensive and diplomatic, you should take appropriate precautions and support your research. Maintaining contacts is also essential, as this is the only way you can find valuable friends who will help you in the event of a fight. The other side of the coin is a more offensive stance. In Pirates – Tifes of Fortune there is of course enough rabble spread across all seven seas. In addition, there are opposing players who don’t just want to attack you once. So if you want to sink enemy ships, you not only need an energetic crew, but also enough resources to keep them happy. Rum is the key word here.

Your men always want to have enough to drink. If you give them what they want, they will swear loyalty to you and do everything in their power to pursue your goals. Keep an eye on your rum production and increase it if you hire more men. Otherwise they will leave your port and you will be left with empty ships. The level of your production buildings is very important, which is why you should always keep an eye on it.

Conclusion on the pirate game Pirates – Tides of Fortune

First of all, you can play Pirates – Tides of Fortune for free. Your strategy is also important to be successful in this pirate game, where you can choose your own path. As is well known, it is the mix that is offered to you here that makes it work, and in Pirates – Tides of Fortune it consists of a pirate strategy game and a building game.

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