Patrician online browser game

Patrician Online – in the online economic simulation of the same name, Patrician Online, you strive for wealth and power in late medieval Europe, just like in the PC game. As a trader and producer, you build production facilities in your hometown, optimize the flow of goods and sell the goods you produce to your fellow players. The higher your income increases, the more your political influence increases and you will rise in the Hanseatic League. If you join a guild, you can be elected to the powerful Hanseatic Council and thus rise to become the highest judge in the Hanseatic League, an Eldenmann.

The free browser game offers space for up to 6,000 players on each server, who can trade with each other in 360 cities or set the pirates on each other’s necks. Of course, there is also a part of this trading simulation where you can also purchase the diamond game currency in order to own the better ships and cannonballs.

The gameplay at Patrician Online

In the online version of Patrician, the same rule applies: buy cheap, sell high. However, you shouldn’t have the stupid idea of ​​buying the last sack of grain from your starving hometown and then selling it in the neighboring community for less than the purchase value. In this simulation, it is better if you buy the fat grain stocks cheaply from the neighboring city and sell them at a high price in your own city. Not only does this bring you big profits, it also increases your reputation in your own city. The economic simulation draws its appeal from the search for the most profitable purchasing and selling price. But the big catch is, the opposing players do this too, so as a player you have to be faster than others, otherwise one of the opponents will take all the glory and all the gold for the entire delivery.

Online and offline – trade at Patrician Online

If you want to play Patrician online for free, you will notice that this browser game, just like the offline series debut from 1992, is played primarily on two screens. On the one hand, the game is played on the city screen, whereby you can always open the one in your hometown, but the one in other cities only if certain conditions are met, such as if one of your ships has anchored in the port there. On the other hand, you play on the map of the North and Baltic Seas. Hundreds of cities on both coasts are waiting for deliveries. You can already see on this screen which goods the cities need and which they produce themselves. The secret to earning gold is to make as much profit as possible with as few trips as possible. The journey to the desired destination port takes between a few minutes and a few hours; the time depends on the distance to the destination port and the ability of the captain.

The motto “homemade is half sold” also applies in this simulation. Just like in the original game, in Patrician online you can build some buildings yourself, such as rental houses. You can build these houses immediately if you have the building materials in storage, while for production facilities such as the mead brewer or the sawmill you must first have a certain merchant rank. This can take some time because you have to meet certain requirements for each rank advancement. These requirements can include, among other things, a set account balance or a certain reputation in your city. There is also an advisor in this trading simulation, but here you can only get it in exchange for diamonds and these cost real money.

This online version of Patrician is currently still a beta version, so some tasks and aspects of the browser game are still missing, such as a battle, which will later take place, especially against pirates. If you’ve enjoyed the PC version of Patrician before and want to play Patrician online for free, then you’ll quickly get to grips with the online version of the game.

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