NoNameGame browser game

NoNameGame – fortunately the name doesn’t say it all in this game. Of course , the title NoNameGame also raises puzzles. Perhaps this name was chosen because there are already a lot of space strategy games and a game should shine more through its content than its packaging. With NoNameGame, a browser game was actually launched that seems quite typical, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing per se. As long as the execution is right, it shouldn’t fail. And in fact, NoNameGame proves to be a solid representative of the space genre, where things get particularly exciting with multiple players.

The browser game NoNameGame was developed by the German Admention Media GmbH and is also sold directly. Of course, it’s all the more interesting when a game doesn’t come from a large developer. To play, all you need is the internet, a browser and, of course, a desire to settle, conquer and research. Simply register online with NoNameGame and play directly in your browser. NoNameGame is free to play.

What is the space strategy game NoNameGame about?

It would be nice to say that it is about peace, but of course that is an illusion. NoNameGame is also about dominance. Little by little you can expand more and more, conquer more planets and annoy your fellow players in the process. In space it is actually quite large, but when it comes to planets the desire is even greater. But be careful, because your fellow players can just as easily choose you as the target of their attacks.

Roughly speaking, NoNameGame is about the colonization of space, in which there is a lot of space but only a few raw materials. You develop further by mining raw materials and using them directly again. Either to expand your colony, for research or to train units with which you will make the area unsafe like a youth gang. But it is also important to take care of good defense, as you can be the target of an attack at any time.

In addition to the normal game, there are also missions that you can complete. There are lots of them and they can be very different. When you complete orders, you receive skill points that you can use to increase the bonuses on your account. Skill points can also be brought into an alliance in the same way. Alliances are groups of several players, a community of convenience that also serves protection.

Play military aspects online at NoNameGame

Domination is all well and good, but at the beginning you have to bake little cakes. In the strategy game you start with a planet that first needs to be well developed. As the game progresses, up to eight more planets can be added. In the best style of colonial rule, you spread out across the galaxy and make sure that your fellow players get less of the pie than you do. On the one hand, it means acting economically soundly, but also taking military aspects into account. Only a good mix of both promises long-term success.

Economically, things are basically only happening on your planet. The first thing to do here is to mine raw materials. These are primarily metal, crystal and deuterium. You can use these raw materials to build and research. Or just to train units. Military and spaceships are usually quite expensive. Without perfect care, you will soon be left high and dry. You can increase your mining yields by expanding mines.

The military aspect includes everything from the construction of the spaceships to the attacks. Spaceships are used to build a fleet with which you can fly to other planets and thus conquer resources. In the event of an attack on your planet, it is always worth building defensive units. You can use spy probes to spy on your opposing players to better determine your strategy.

In NoNameGame there is a ranking that is calculated in real time. So you’re also playing for fame. If you successfully conquer, build fleets or mine resources, your score increases. If you lose in space battles, you will fall back in the rankings. In addition to the rankings, you also interact with your fellow players in other ways by waging war or forming alliances.

Conclusion about the NoNameGame: This free space browser game certainly has one unique selling point and that is the name. Of course, that alone won’t win you a flower pot, but why might it still be worth taking a look? NoNameGame is a rock-solid browser game that certainly doesn’t reinvent the wheel, but focuses on its strengths and offers the usual good fare. Since the game is developed and sold from a single source, further developments are to be expected again and again, which will make the game a focal point in the long term. So NoNameGame is certainly a name to keep in mind.

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