Nerve cells are restored!

Employees of the Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology of the Academy of Biology and Biotechnology named after. DI. Ivanovsky Southern Federal University selected effective and low-toxic concentrations of the recombinant human protein Hsp70, promoting the restoration of nerve cells. In the future, this will make it possible to create prototypes of drugs for the treatment and restoration of nerve cells.

Svetlana Demyanenko Svetlana Demyanenko

Svetlana Demyanenko , project leader, leading researcher at the Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology at ABiB SFU:

“We focused our attention on axonal damage, which occurs during household and sports injuries, road traffic accidents, medical staff errors during injections, etc. In addition, axonal damage accompanies the early stages of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Our complex of modern research methods has made it possible to identify the molecular mechanisms of the action of exogenous Hsp70 on the death and functional state of nerve cells when modeling such conditions.”

Cellular and intracellular distribution of esp labeled with the fluorescent dye Cy3 and its colocalization with the p53 protein Cellular and intracellular distribution of esp labeled with the fluorescent dye Cy3 and its colocalization with the p53 protein

Scientists were able to identify a number of proteins involved in the mechanisms of damage and protection of nervous tissue during axotomy, one of which is the heat shock protein Hsp70. The study consisted of studying the role of this protein in the death, survival and recovery of nerve cells of the central and peripheral nervous system in cellular and animal models of neurotrauma and neurodegeneration.

Immunofluorescent analysis of the p53 level in glial cells, nuclei and perikarya of the crayfish receptor mechanoreceptor neuron Immunofluorescent analysis of the p53 level in glial cells, nuclei and perikarya of the crayfish receptor mechanoreceptor neuron

“The data obtained allow us to recommend the eHsp70 drug based on collagen gel for the treatment of neurodegeneration in traumatic injuries of peripheral nerves in both adults and children due to the low toxicity of the drug components. Data obtained on cellular models of neurodegenerative diseases allow us to consider recombinant eHsp70 as a less toxic and cheaper alternative to chemical inducers of intracellular Hsp70 protein synthesis, which are considered promising for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases,” added Svetlana Demyanenko .

This study is part of a large international project carried out jointly with the laboratory of the Institute of Neuroscience at University College London , as well as colleagues from the Laboratory of Molecular Mechanisms of Biological Adaptation at the Institute of Molecular Biology. V. A. Engelhardt RAS .

The results of the study were published in the journal Cells . Scientists also plan to study the biological effect of the C- and N-terminal fragments of the Hsp70 protein in models of stroke and neurodegeneration. If the neuroprotective effect of a shorter protein fragment is proven, this will greatly help solve the problem of drug delivery to cells.


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