May 12—Environmental Education Day

Director of the SFUT Botanical Garden Tatyana Varduni spoke about the importance of eco-projects and environmental education:

“A number of educational programs in the field of ecology are being implemented on the basis of the SFU Botanical Garden. We conduct educational excursions, seminars, master classes for schoolchildren, students and adults. We have been working in this direction for several years now and we see that this activity is bringing results. We have additional education programs: we train dendrologists, gardeners, we have courses on phytodesign in gardening and landscape construction.”

More information about the courses of the Botanical Garden of Southern Federal University:


By the way, you don’t have to study to be an ecologist to care about nature, the main thing is to just love it💚

💬Maria Vasilyeva , 4th year student at the Institute of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication of SFU. Masha can safely be called one of the most advanced eco-volunteers, starting with simple waste sorting, now she takes part in the monthly “Rostov-City of the Future” events, was the coordinator of the #EcoMobil route and recently gave a lecture at the SFU cleanup event in the Botanical Garden.

“I have an idea to revive the environmental direction at the SFU volunteer center, because there are a lot of guys who are interested in ecology. I went to Taymazi to the PRO.RSO school and gave a lecture on ecology. The guys really liked the idea of ​​collecting plastic caps; the students of Southern Federal University from Taganrog were inspired and are going to put containers for collecting caps in their dormitories. I would like to say thank you to the university; quite recently, the head of the department of organization and control of housing provision, Pavel Gavrilov, came to our dormitory and saw that I had placed a 5-liter bottle for collecting caps. Pavel Sergeevich approved my initiative, and now all dormitories have special containers for collecting caps. I hope that in the future we will be able to collect other plastic waste.”

💬Ilya Kharin , 3rd year student of the Academy of Biology and Biotechnology named after. DI. Ivanovsky SFU is also a record holder in terms of environmental volunteering, and has been doing this for 7 years:

“This year we opened a waste paper collection at the Southern Federal University ABBIB. In December, we had an ecology week, during which we held interesting master classes and discussions, for example, the “Complete Trash” master class, in which I talked about the myths of separate waste collection and life hacks on how to start separating waste while living in small hostel. In the near future, it is planned to create containers for collecting caps and batteries. It is also planned to pay great attention to separate waste collection and environmental awareness.”

💬Dmitry Lapygin , 1st year student of the Faculty of Physics of the Southern Federal University, began to engage in environmental volunteering at school, together with his classmates Dima collected waste paper:

“After entering the Faculty of Physics, within a few months I was able to create an environmental association of my faculty, PhysEco. Although I am going to connect my life with physics, I could not give up my eco-activity. Our association is engaged in environmental campaigning. We collect waste paper and just recently sent 180 kg of paper for recycling. We also now have a collection point for plastic caps for the “Good Caps” campaign.

🤫Psst, we wrote about this, but let us remind you that on May 14, the PhysEco association is holding an eco-festival in the SFU glade, we are waiting for you!

#ecovolunteer #ecology #ecoYFU #eco_sfedu

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