Mars Tomorrow browser game

It is a long-held dream of humans to redesign planets and moons so that they can settle on them and find a new home there. In these mind games, Mars in particular appears again and again. The Red Planet, the setting for countless science fiction films, has often been the destination of expeditions and missions, especially in recent years. But what no space program or nation in the world has ever managed to achieve, a few young entrepreneurs from Cologne are now making possible: the landing of a human and thus the colonization of the planet Mars!

Welcome to Mars Tomorrow!

Take your chance to make history and be one of the first to leave your footprints in the red sand of Mars! With these words, gamefabrik GmbH is looking for enthusiastic simulation and strategy players who would like to become part of a completely new experience in the area of ​​free browser games. Mars Tomorrow is a non-violent economic simulation paired with the aspect of terraforming.

Your tasks in the Mars Tomorrow simulation

When you arrive on Mars, the first step is to extract the three important raw materials (oxygen, water and carbon dioxide) in order to further advance the construction of the colony. By supplying raw materials, the Mars colony will grow, develop further and more and more people will settle in your Mars colony. Your first big challenge is to satisfy the Mars Tomorrow colony’s ever-growing hunger for raw materials.

Through research and development, you will progress relatively quickly in terraforming, which will present you with further challenges later in the game. For example, the raw material transporters get along very well in the desert, but the planet is changing so much due to terraforming that the desert will soon be a huge mud hole and you will once again be faced with new challenges in Mars Tomorrow . Of course, there is a lot more to discover in the free science fiction simulation.

Conclusion on the science fiction simulation Mars Tomorrow

The young start-up is a well-rehearsed team of experienced colleagues. That’s why they deliberately set themselves up independently without a publisher in order to be able to better use creative freedom and create new solutions. The science fiction browser game Mars Tomorrow not only impresses with its good graphics and depth of play, long-term fun is also guaranteed due to the constantly changing conditions on the red planet. You can play the economic simulation Mars Tomorrow for free; all you need to do is register briefly on the game website. So become a Martian and colonize the red planet today in the browser game Mars Tomorrow.

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