Making History at SFU

Exactly 65 years ago, Southern Federal University gave its students the opportunity to express themselves not only academically, but also creatively. Thus was born the “SFU Student Spring” festival, which we once again held on a grand scale!

For almost two months, the stage of ODNT thundered with incendiary performances, which we will definitely add to the treasury of our favorite memories. And the SFU Student Spring Gala 2022 will be in first place on the list of our memories!

Before the concert , Rector of the Southern Federal University Inna Shevchenko spoke about her impressions of this spring:

“The Student Spring always gives me the most vivid emotions! For me, spring begins on March 8, and then with the opening of the Student Spring. And the Gala concert is such a concentration when the main concerts have already passed and everyone is waiting to see which numbers are the best. I’m excited to see the winners take the stage. I think that the student spring will live up to its name “Making History.”

Advisor to the rector Yuri Pozharov was the first to present diplomas to cultural leaders and heads of departments, joking:

“I suddenly realized that I would no longer be awarded as a participant in the spring, it’s sad, but also joyful that I will be the first to complete this honorable mission.”

The stage turned into a time machine, the audience visited a variety of worlds: some made us think, others gave us the joy of a carefree childhood, and the fashion theater showed us beauty and new design solutions.

Vice-Rector for Scientific and Research Activities Anatoly Metelitsa also presented diplomas for participation in the festival and made a welcoming speech :

“I am very pleased to congratulate you on the fact that the SFU Student Spring has taken place! I believe that you were able to concentrate all your talent and show it to us on this stage. I want to wish that faith in yourself and your loved ones will always be with you! And this is the faith that is in each of us, especially when we say: “We are the Southern Federal University!”

Particularly fun and unexpected was the appearance of actors in different corners of the hall; they charged the audience with the atmosphere of their springs and invited them not just to watch the performance, but to participate in it. You just need to sing along, applaud loudly and smile a lot!

It is impossible not to note the shadow theater “Eris” performed by students of the Institute of Physical Culture and Culture . Despite the technical difficulties, the guys were not at a loss and showed their story again, receiving a sea of ​​ovations. And here there is something to admire – a combination of unconditional talent, the embodiment of various phenomena, creatures, movements, where grace, strength and beauty merged into one beautiful number!

Vice-Rector for Infrastructure Development Alexey Bogatsky presented the latest diplomas to the laureates and congratulated SFU on the holiday :

“We are looking forward to the Student Spring even more than the students, because everything that happens here is not just a cultural event where we are enlightened and inspired, the most important thing is that we receive that crazy energy that each of you radiates. I would like to wish the students success and future victories, and the Southern Federal University prosperity and new achievements!”

It is worth emphasizing once again that the Student Spring of the Southern Federal University is already 65 years old, and the Russian Student Spring is 30 years old. We can safely call our university the most creative, and the time spent within its walls is unforgettable. Even graduates return to their alma mater to once again become part of the student body. Bright, mesmerizing dances and musical performances of the graduates showed everyone that even after university, life never ceases to delight and surprise, everything is just beginning.

In addition to the main prizes and, of course, the grand prix, the guys were given awards in special categories.

Igor Zhitnikov and Dmitry Ivanov, members of the music jury, gave a welcoming speech.

Igor Zhitnikov:

“Student Spring is not just a competition, it is an opportunity to touch the high world of art, it makes each of us better, cleaner, for some it gives hope, faith in one’s own strength and charges everyone with vital and positive energy. Thank you for the spring, you made this world a little better.”

Dmitry Ivanov:

“Spring is an incredible event among all students, many are waiting for it, many are dreaming about it! Spring gave each of you something different, some emotions, some love, and me a wife! Everyone who lives in spring, continue to do this every day!”

Arman Dokhoyan received a first-degree diploma for the best musical number “All for Me.” Arman Dokhoyan received a first-degree diploma for the best musical number “All for Me.”

Dmitry Litvinenko, member of the jury, head of the Center for Culture and Creativity of the Southern Federal University, presented the award to the winners in the categories “Original Genre” and “Organization of the Concert.”

In the category “Original Genre” the Shadow Theater “Eris” won. Beginning” – IFZhIMK, and the best organizer of the concert was the Faculty of Economics.

The theatrical direction also did not remain without awards – there were even several of them.

Maxim Cheburakhin, Georgy Chmel and Roman Chertov won in the Best Actor nomination, Maria Kosarenko and Vasilisa Chernova won Best Actress. And the “Best Acting Ensemble” were the Faculty of Economics and the Institute of History and International Relations. And finally, the best theatrical number is “Prince Ali” by IRTSU and INEP.

The head of the Center for Public Communications, Daria Kovalevskaya, presented a diploma for the best journalistic work to the Lens Studio team and wished the student participants creative success and not to stop there.

The Institute of History and International Relations received another award for the best script, the Faculty of Business “Captains” took the prize for the best director (and, by the way, this is a big breakthrough, because this is only the guys’ second spring). The best artistic design, without a doubt, belongs to the Faculty of Management. It’s impossible to take your eyes off the costumes shining in the spotlight!

Chairman of the Trade Union Organization of Southern Federal University Sergei Dyuzhikov noted that the guys who receive the Grand Prix will be awarded a special prize from the Trade Union Organization – a certificate of 50,000 rubles!

“Thank you to everyone who worked for such a large-scale project, you are all great, you gave us the mood, the desire to live, create, feel and love in spite of and thanks to everything!” Sergei Dyuzhikov thanked the guys .

There are an endless number of awards, but there are also special prizes presented by the Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Implementation of Youth Programs Yakov Aslanov :

“Tradition and the future are very important for the academic community. Traditions bind our university generations, and at SFU there is no more popular event than the Student Spring. It is the student spring that has connected our generations over the past 65 years, and not every university has such a wonderful tradition! And the future is our students, and you are happy people, that’s why you study here. I wish you that everything works out for you, and that the university remains in your heart forever!”

The special prize “Debut of the Year” was awarded to the SFU Lyceum. The “Breakthrough of the Year” prize was received by the Faculty of Business “Captains” . The Institute of History and International Relations took the “Best Organizing Team” award .

And finally, the long-awaited presentation of prizes. President of the Southern Federal University Marina Borovskaya presented awards to the students and made a welcoming speech:

“Today was a wonderful hall, thanks to everyone who supported and applauded! You charged us with your powerful energy, and each of us became stronger and more confident! I would like to say a special thank you to the graduates, they showed us today that even after university, life never ceases to be cool and eventful.”

So, our winners:

1st place – Institute of History and International Relations.

II place – Faculty of Management.

III place – Team of IRTSU and INEP.

The most important award, the Grand Prix, was presented by SFU Rector Inna Shevchenko.

“Thanks to everyone who performed on stage, who organized this concert and warmly received it! Today I was not a spectator, I was a reader. You didn’t just create history, you read it, felt it, went through it and helped everyone here today read something of their own this spring. No other university in the country or in the world has a spring like the one at the Southern Federal University! I love spring, I love the Student Spring of the Southern Federal University, I love my country, and, of course, the Southern Federal University in all its manifestations!”

And… the Faculty of Economics received the Grand Prix! We congratulate you, our talented ones, and wish you to continue to delight you with your stunning springs and magical imagination!

Each department of the Southern Federal University has made a huge breakthrough, opening new creative horizons. There will undoubtedly be many more Student Springs! And we will remember this one as the brightest, loudest and, most importantly, anniversary!

Ahead of our guys are competitions in the zonal stage of the Student Spring, and then at the Russian Student Spring in Samara. We wish you good luck and believe in your success!

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