Klondike browser game

When you set off to Alaska to find your father, you initially only find a few things that he left you. He has been missing since an expedition and your goal is to find him again and build a new life in the Klondike .

Your father is missing and your ultimate goal is to find him. But without a good basis, this task proves to be extremely difficult. After all, you need a lot of objects and items during your search in order to be able to correctly interpret possible clues. Furthermore, you don’t just give in to the idea that your father actually passed away. That’s why you use his legacy wisely and carefully and build a good life for yourself so that you can go looking for him. But before that happens, you first have to be able to take care of yourself.

Your own land in Klondike

You didn’t have a bad time with the city of Klondike . The people are nice and are of course happy to help you with your first steps. As with many other browser games, in Klondike you can find many objects and materials and make them yourself. By the way, this is one of the main focuses of this building game. After all, you have your own land, which you should always expand so that you can get new items that can make your search for your father easier. For example, you have to take care of your garden. As in an economic simulation, you have to cultivate small fields and thereby obtain valuable raw materials such as grain, rye and flowers. In addition, you should not neglect your livestock either. After all, your cows and sheep also want to be provided with food and drink. Happy animals provide you with valuable raw materials, which in turn fill your wallet.

Over time you will of course need more and more space as you need more and more buildings in which you can process your new objects. That’s why it’s very important to do a little clearing every now and then and, for example, remove grass areas. This is the best way to prepare for upcoming construction projects. Ultimately, over time you will also need buildings with which you can further process your raw materials. A dairy serves as a good building for processing your milk and with a forge you can obtain helpful tools through your ores. This leads to another important theme in Klondike: the expeditions.

New objects through expeditions in the Klondike browser game

Once you’ve gotten used to the Klondike browser game, you’ll probably want to travel the surrounding lands and search for items and clues. Maybe there is a tip about your father’s whereabouts in your area. In any case, you have to prepare yourself for expeditions. It should be said that it can take you to many different places. However, you should prepare yourself individually for each location so that nothing goes wrong. So you should take care of your own care at the beginning. Since you will be away from home for several days, a tent is an advantage. After all, you don’t want every kind of insect to become a nuisance. In addition, an oil lamp is a good thing if you want to see something at night.

But in addition to your own self, there are other living beings with you on your expedition. You will be accompanied by several sled dogs who will pull you from A to B on your little vehicle. This is of course an advantage in Alaska, as you will often have to trudge through snow there. But your dogs also want to be looked after during the trip. You should have enough food and water with you, as your little helpers also have to work hard.

The dog sled in the Klondike building game

In addition to your dogs, your sled is also very important. There are different types of sleds, each of which has different uses. For example, a cargo sled allows you to transport several goods at once, which probably wouldn’t be so easy with a standard sled. There are also large and small sleds, which also offer you different options.

Speaking of dogs: You can also get a guard dog for your country. He comes with his own hut and sees it as his greatest task to protect your lands.

Conclusion on the browser game Klondike

It’s the little details that make the building game particularly entertaining and ensure that you keep discovering new things. Build a new life in Alaska and learn to fight to reach the top – but be careful, it’s just a game, right?

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