Inselcompany browser game

Inselcompany – now farm in the South Seas. Sun, sea and lots of fruit, a paradise in the South Seas and your new workplace if you choose the browser game InselCompany . You build your own economic empire in the middle of the most beautiful landscape in the world and become the largest trader in the Empire of a Thousand Islands.

The background story of the browser game Inselcompany

You are a sought-after businessman on a trip to the South Seas. One moment you’re sitting comfortably on the plane and nibbling peanuts, the next moment a shark is trying to nibble on you. Your plane has crashed and you can barely escape to an uninhabited island. After you have adjusted yourself so that your daily survival is no longer a problem, you realize that you are not as alone as you thought. People are also stranded on your neighboring islands. As a trader as you are, you immediately sense the chance of a good deal. Except you don’t have anyone here to do the work for you. So you’ll have to do it yourself.

Build, harvest and sell at Inselcompany

You probably already know browser games based on the Inselcompany principle. The basic principle works no differently than the many farming games that already exist on the internet. The simulator provides you with a number of basic options with which you can slowly play Inselcompany for free. At first you only have control over a single island. But over time you can acquire additional islands and thus increase your production areas.

Your ultimate goal is to make your fellow players – who are also your customers – happy. So you will start growing different fruits and grasses. You can sell the fruits raw or process them later. The grasses become basic materials for ropes, roofing and other things. You can consume all your products yourself or make good money on them on the browser game market. You will be able to grow more than 40 different fruits as soon as you have enough space. It helps if you can take advantage of the natural features of each island. Islands that have a lot of water are good for passion fruit or melons. Dry islands are better for figs. With new quests you can earn rewards that go directly into production.

Some of them last several days and require you to use the help of your fellow players. The South Sea Simulator also gives you the opportunity to improve your production facilities. Get a juicer and you can sell juices instead of fruits. Or you can attract customers to you with your own juice bar. This gives InselCompany a touch of a social game because you can also get to know your players personally. Spend a few happy evenings with them and you’ll have better customers or be able to spin entire trading webs with them. The dream of your own economic empire is within reach.

develop and improve at Inselcompany

As with all farming games, if you want to play InselCompany for free, you have to improve yourself regularly. Do research and find new devices that will make your work easier. Did you know that you can create an entire irrigation system with just a few coconut shells and a rope? The ideas that the browser game offers you are sometimes so funny that you would never have thought of them on your own. But no matter how strange the inventions look, they all have a purpose. Every now and then you will find flotsam and jetsam. These are particularly rare items that you shouldn’t waste. You can use them to build special machines. For example, you can use a piece of broken glass to build a light communication system that allows you to keep in touch with your neighbors.

You have to decide for yourself what is important to you. And at the same time you determine the focus of your economic empire. Focus on individual fruits and create as many products as possible from them, or create a large market where you have a little of everything on the counter. You will probably never be able to be perfect at everything. Therefore, you should decide on a direction as early as possible and align your development with this goal. This allows you to save valuable raw materials.

General information about the Inselcompany browser game

There are already enough browser games like InselCompany, but the game still brings a breath of fresh air into the genre. A farming game has never been moved to the tropical South Seas. The wonderful environment alone creates a completely different feeling when playing. The makers also came up with a lot of ideas. Instead of the tractor, due to the lack of electricity, you have to make do with a few inventions and, for example, use water power to pull the plow. This makes it an inventive challenge to want to play Inselcompany for free. The level of difficulty in the economic simulation is, as you can imagine, not very great. But that doesn’t have to be a disadvantage. The game was developed for all age groups and offers a lot of other options besides the simulator. Graphically, the game is definitely worth seeing with its flashy comic look. The characters were designed with a lot of love and a lot of humor and the game doesn’t miss the opportunity to make fun of itself. You won’t find any serious action here, but a nice game to pass the time.

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