Goal2Victory browser game

With the free browser game Goal2Victory you get a real football manager on your home screen who focuses on a good dose of tactics. The title differs significantly from other games of this type – for the first time you can create your own leagues and compete against friends or simply against the computer. If you want to start a leisurely game after work – without having to rely on the start time – you should take a look at Goal 2 Victory !

Play Goal2Victory online for free

The developers have come up with a lot of ideas for the free browser game Goal 2 Victory. In addition to a good portion of strategy and tactics, the sports game also offers you its own league system, which you can design freely. You can create your own league at any time and determine in advance which players this league will be activated for. If you want to fight alone for victory in the rankings, you can do that at any time. Goal2Victory is therefore not only suitable for football fans who want to play with other players on the Internet, but also for solo artists. However, if you want to play with your friends, you can also create your own league to which only you have access. In this way, you are not dependent on the game for fixed playing times and can organize your time as you wish.

Every beginning is difficult

At the start of your adventure you have to choose a league and a team. Basically, you can be in several leagues at the same time – but then you always own a different team. Being present in two leagues with the same team does not work in Goal2Victory. Once you have decided on a team and a league, the browser game opens a whole new menu. Here you can now make all the settings that you will already know from other football games. However, Goal2Victory guides you through the first steps using small tutorials.

Team training at Goal2Victory

This is how you should first train your team. To do this, you have nine training units to start with, which you can distribute across the different techniques. You can train your team in a total of seven categories – tactics, fitness, technique, speed, duels, training games and free training. Depending on your preferences, you have to specialize your team. At the bottom of the menu you can see the effects of your training. A training session – once commissioned – will not have an immediate effect. As is known from browser games, it takes a certain amount of time until the training is completed. You can then compare your players’ successes and failures. If a player is not coping with training at all, you should replace him as quickly as possible. Your team has to work together to win games.

The lineup in the free football manager

Once the training is complete, the tutorial will guide you to the setup. In the training menu you could already see what strengths and weaknesses a player on your team has. You now have to set up your team according to these values. Here too, always pay attention to the exact values ​​so that a goalkeeper is not placed in the attack. In the right part of the screen you can set the orientation and formation. The options are then saved and the game advances to the next area.

Of course, for a team to function, you also need the necessary money. In the third part you have to take care of sponsors and ensure that your team is financed. This way you can determine what signing bonus will be paid out or what money will flow into the coffers if a championship were won. Numerous controls allow you to make certain fine adjustments.

The game and the transfer market

Basically, Goal2Victory works according to similar rules to those you already know from other manager games. After you’ve built a team, you follow the games and see how your guys are doing. Then you look at the rankings and spend the money you earned. You can then invest this money in your own stadium, in training or in new players. This way you can compare players available on the transfer market and see which player would be suitable for your team. If you have the necessary change, you can buy the player. But you don’t just buy with a click of the mouse, you have to bid on players. Auctions can run for several days and the supply can constantly increase. So you have to think carefully about how much money a new player is worth to you. Particularly in leagues with other players, bitter bidding battles can occur. But that’s what makes this feature so attractive!

Conclusion on the football manager Goal2Victory

Goa2Victory is a successful browser game that has improved the management game genre in all the right places. For the first time, you can create your own leagues and decide in advance which people you want to play with. This way you avoid annoying players from all over the world who you may not like at all. Goal 2 Victory also has a good portion of tactics. You have to make important decisions before a game so that your team can claim victory. If you appreciate football games and want to try out some fresh features, this title is the right choice!

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