Days of Culture of Uzbekistan in SFU

As part of the Days of Culture of Uzbekistan in the Southern Federal District, the opening of the Russian-Uzbekistan Center for Education, Language and Culture took place at the Southern Federal University.

The Southern Federal, together with the Uzbek State University of World Languages, organized a number of cultural and educational events dedicated to the Days of Culture of Uzbekistan.

A delegation from the Republic of Uzbekistan arrived in the Don. The delegation of UzSUM included: Vice-Rector for International Relations Alisher Abidjanov , Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Translation Aziz Rakhmonov , Head of the Department of Uzbek Language Zilola Salisheva , Professor Anvar Kadyrov , Senior Lecturer Zamira Usmanova , as well as a graduate of the Russian State University, responsible for relations with universities of the Russian Federation Olim Akhmedov . The Uzbek educational company “Study Solutions Academy” is represented by General Director Muhammadjon Aliyev .

President of the Southern Federal University Marina Borovskaya greeted the guests from Uzbekistan:

“This cooperation is very important for us in light of the scientific, educational and cultural agenda. Southern Federal University has partnerships with various universities in countries near and far abroad. And the opening of the Russian-Uzbek Center for Education, Language and Culture is proof of this. In these two days we will become more closely acquainted with the culture, traditions, and education of Uzbekistan.”

Consul General of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Rostov-on-Don Rustam Kurganbaev attended the opening of the Russian-Uzbekistan Center for Education, Language and Culture:

“Today is a very pleasant event. Culture, education and youth are the main drivers of the development of our states. In our difficult times, such events unite, they demonstrate to the whole world that we are together, that our countries are moving forward, penetrating each other’s traditions, education and culture. The number of Uzbek students entering Russian universities is increasing every year.”

Vice-Rector for International Relations of the Uzbek State University of World Languages ​​Alisher Abidjanov noted:

“We know the Southern Federal University very well, which is famous not only in Russia, but also abroad and occupies a high place in world rankings. Together with Southern Federal University, on the basis of the open center, we plan to implement various scientific and educational projects, engage in the exchange of students and teachers. We hope that the center will become a base for improving the quality of higher education in our universities.”

Vice-Rector for Strategic and Innovative Development of SFedU Evgeny Mukhanov emphasized that in the modern world it is extremely important to establish cooperation not only in education, but also to build cooperation with our partners who do a lot of practical work and have truly innovative centers that introduce new methods of education.

Director of the Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies of Southern Federal University Andrey Bedrik expressed gratitude to the representatives of the Uzbek delegation:

“It is very pleasant that spring in Rostov-on-Don began with your arrival! We are proud that one of the leading humanities professors at the Uzbek State University of World Languages, Anvar Kadyrov, visited our Institute. We will continue to conduct joint humanitarian research with Uzbek colleagues. This is a great honor for us.”

Gulnara Lomakina , director of the Institute of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication of SFU, also addressed a welcoming speech :

“This is a landmark event for our Institute. Today there are a large number of our philology students here who are studying languages. As the famous Russian teacher Konstantin Ushinsky once said, language is the only material expression of culture. As long as the language is alive, the people are alive.”

Natalya Karpovskaya , director of the International Institute of Interdisciplinary Education and Ibero-American Studies, noted at the opening of the center that this is a significant event, since the opening of the center will help strengthen cultural and educational ties with Uzbekistan:

“The initiative to open this center was born last year, when we held the Days of Uzbek Culture at SFU for the first time. We hope that ties between the educational institutions of our countries will develop into a larger, interregional friendship.”

The head of the new center was Sabina Kerimova , senior lecturer at the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language and Methods of Teaching It.

Among the events that take place on April 21-22 are open lectures on the traditions, culture and literature of Uzbekistan, Uzbek language lessons, a round table “Russia and Uzbekistan in the context of the development of international research collaborations: problems and prospects”, a youth forum “We are different and this is our wealth,” tasting of national cuisine, etc.

In addition to SFU, events are also held at the Don State Public Library, which traditionally supports the university’s initiative and provides its venues for events. Here, for two days, a stylized photo zone “Ethnostyle” operates, a screening of an Uzbek film and an educational lecture about the traditions and culture of Uzbekistan are organized.

Guests of Rostov-on-Don from Uzbekistan were able to get acquainted with the culture of the Don region thanks to the performance of the Cossack vocal folk ensemble “Ataman” of the Regional House of Folk Art of the Rostov Region.

Program of the Days of Culture of Uzbekistan in the Southern Federal District👈

For reference: In September 2022, joint Uzbek-Russian centers of education, language and culture will also be opened on the basis of the Uzbek State University of World Languages, Bukhara State University and the Samarkand Institute of Foreign Languages.

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