Cultures online browser game

Cultures Online Medieval strategy game – the browser game Cultures Online from Gamigo is based on the same game principle as the successful Settlers Online. So if you appreciate a neat building simulation with a touch of adventure game, you might want to take a closer look at the game.

Everything revolves around the Vikings in the browser game Cultures Online

The Vikings were known not only for their raids, but also for their discoveries, which took them far beyond the Atlantic Ocean. In the online game you now have the opportunity to feel a little closer to this people. First you have to create your own character. You can choose from several basic types and also specify your preferred weapon. This is important because in the browser game you will not only be busy creating your own civilization, but also roam the land in solo mode and take on your fellow players.

At Cultures Online, we build first

As befits a building strategy game, your first duty as the head of a Viking village will be to help your people. Although you have your own character, you can direct your population from a third-person perspective. So let them first search the surrounding area and collect raw materials. You will soon be able to make the first improvements. After the basic structure, you can decide for yourself what is important for your village. Depending on what style of play you play in Cultures Online, other buildings will make more sense. If you want to play as an explorer and trader, then you should have a shipyard and many manufacturing buildings. As a fighter, you obviously need a forge and suitable training grounds. In the strategy game you have your own piece of the large map at your disposal, in which you are on your own. However, other virtual villages will also be located there. How you deal with them is up to you. You can trade with them or run them into the ground.

Play the world of Cultures Online in solo mode

The browser game also lets you customize and level up your own character. With it you can move freely through the world, unbound by the duties of a leader. To play Cultures Online for free and enjoy some variety, you can leave your village if you feel like it. But don’t leave if there are enemy settlements near you. Otherwise you will find a nasty surprise when you return to the building strategy game. In normal situations, however, you can safely leave your people alone for a while and wander around the country. Here you can take on solo missions and fight your way through dangerous areas. Maybe you’ll meet some of your fellow players who also want to play Cultures Online for free. You can ally with them or challenge them to duels.

Across the sea to islands in Cultures Online

If you’ve had enough of the little island you’re stuck on, have a boat built and sail across the sea. You can recruit the right team from your subordinates. The Vikings were well-known explorers who made it from northern France to America. Follow their trail through the online game and discover unknown lands where you can plunder resources or compete with opponents. If you have an army on your ship, you can conquer new territories or fight over them with your fellow players. You can found new villages in these areas. Then you’ll have twice the administrative work, but you’ll also have a better chance of expanding your empire and becoming a real ruler.

Gameplay in the strategy browser game

The strategy game Cultures Online offers fairly intuitive controls and a very clear menu system that you should quickly find your way around. You control your subjects and soldiers using the mouse. In solo combat, a few key combinations are added. Graphically, the game is a bit funny. The characters look as if the artist of the “Asterix” comics had provided a few ideas.

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