More than 20 areas of study await participants of #SummerUniversity2022!

This year, the “Summer University” project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation will offer its participants training in more than 20 additional education programs. Natural sciences, engineering, socio-economics, humanities – all areas were determined by universities in accordance with the priorities of scientific and technological development of Russia and a focus on advanced research trends.

List of universities that will host #LU22 guests:

1.Baltic Federal University named after. I. Kant – “Microbiology and Biotechnology” (direction “Biology”);
2.Grozny State Petroleum Technical University named after Academician M.D. Millionshchikova – “Modern innovative technologies in construction and architecture” (direction “Engineering Sciences”);
3. Far Eastern Federal University – “International Business and Digital Economy” (direction “Economics”)
4. Crimean Federal University named after. IN AND. Vernadsky – “Agricultural technologies for the production of natural environmentally friendly products” (direction “Agriculture”);
5. Moscow State University of Food Production – “FoodBIOTech directions of the future” (direction “Engineering Sciences”);
6.Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafina (MSAL) – “International Summer School of Law” (direction “Law”);
7. Pskov State University – “Start media: intensive on creating an information portal” (direction “Journalism”), “Speech – language – culture” (direction “Philology”), “BioSchool” – from theory to experiment” (direction “Biology” “);
8. Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygina – “Design and technology of light industry” (direction “Engineering Sciences”);
9. St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI” named after V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin) – “Biomedical systems and technologies” (direction “Biomedicine”), “Industrial software development for robotics and the Internet of things”, “Mechatronics and robotics “, “Engineering Russian language” (direction “Engineering”);
10. North Caucasus Federal University – “Digital transformation – new economic opportunities”, “Management of cybersecurity incidents” (direction “Economics and Management”);
11. Siberian Federal University – “Global entrepreneurship in real and virtual space: ESG-transformation of the economy” (direction “Management”);
12. Sochi State University – “Design of tourist services using innovative technologies” (direction “Tourism and service”);
13. Tyumen State University – “Law-IT-Entrepreneurship” (direction “Law, Entrepreneurship and IT”);
14. Southern Federal University – “Engineering: Telecommunications and Information Technologies” (direction “Engineering”).

As a result of the project, all participants will receive two certificates of completion of additional general education programs – industry and cross-cutting.

This year’s cross-cutting focus is “Social Design Accelerator.” The program was developed at Pskov State University. Each participant in the Summer University as part of a group will be able to not only create a passport for a social project, but also outline steps for its implementation. The Accelerator has planned 6 lectures and 6 practical sessions. All projects will take part in an inter-university competition, based on the results of which three winners will be determined.

Follow the hashtag #SummerUniversity of YuFU22 – there will be a lot of interesting and SUMMER things coming soon!

#SFU#Student of SFU#LPR#DPR#Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation#LU22

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