BattleKnight browser game

In the free role-playing game BattleKnight you slip into the scenario of typical medieval games and become a knight. Now you can choose what position you want to take in the Caldean Empire – good or evil?

If you’ve always wanted to be a knight in one of the many role-playing games, then you should play BattleKnight for free. In this role-playing game you meet a desperate king who knights all able men and women in his kingdom of Caldean. The entire land of Caldean is plagued by famine, which is why the king is desperately looking for warriors for his army. Unfortunately, the knights don’t always have the same opinion as the king. As a knight, you can choose between the path of the king and the path of the apostate. If you collect evil karma points through your actions in the world, you will take the evil path, but you will also unlock special skills that good players would not receive. But that’s exactly how it works on the good side too. On the good side, there are also skills through karma points that are denied to evil players.

Potions and hit zones in BattleKnight

For example, there is a buff that grants you 50 strength before a fight, potentially leading you to victory. However, fighting in BattleKnight not only depends on skills, but also on the hit zones of the opponents. So you have to skillfully hit enemies with your own sword, but at the same time avoid powerful blows. Only those who find the perfect balance of attack and defense can win in the end. The fight always takes place in five rounds, which is why the game becomes particularly tactical in this area. If you win a battle, you get rubies and coins, which you can exchange for new goods. To do this, you visit the market where you can trade.

Trading not only works with AI people, but also with other players. This means you can offer the swords, axes and pieces of armor you’ve found on a city’s market at any time and hope that other players will take action. This way you can usually get even better prices than if you sold them to a normal blacksmith.

BattleKnight’s tutorial

However, before you can sell your first goods, you first have to devote yourself to the basics of BattleKnight. So you can start a tutorial in which a virtual owl explains the basics of the title to you. In this way you complete your first tasks, rescue children from a cave and slay countless beasts and get valuable prizes at the end. The owl not only serves as an advisor, but also gives you additional items after each order. In this way, you will initially be overwhelmed with items, but this will increase your motivation. The owl is quite entertaining and worth seeing. BattleKnight’s tasks are all very similar. Sometimes you have to search for objects, other times you have to fight monsters. Because of the numerous items to be found, the system never gets boring. Boredom has barely set in before you find a new, valuable weapon that you can offer on the market. You won’t find long dry spells here.

The waking hour at the wall

If you don’t have time to play, you don’t have to sit idle in BattleKnight. You can send your knight on guard duty at any time. Here you then determine the duration of the security service and wait for the time. Meanwhile, you can safely log out and do other things. Before going on guard duty, you can also decide whether you want to collect good or bad karma points. If the points are good, the security service runs without any major surprises. But if you choose the evil option, it can happen that intruders get into the castle unseen when you happen not to be looking. You have to make decisions like this again and again in BattleKnight, which is why the gameplay is very motivating. In hardly any other role-playing game for the browser do you have to make so many essential decisions – that’s a big advantage of BattleKnight.

Conclusion on the medieval role-playing game BattleKnight

The free browser game experience BattleKnight is a successful role-playing game set in the Middle Ages. At first the variety may be overwhelming, but later all the moves become bloody. BattleKnight’s fights in particular are very challenging. They are fun and can entertain for a long time. This is mainly due to the tactical depth when you have to determine hit zones before the fight. If you’ve always been a fan of knights, you shouldn’t miss this game!

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