Battle of Beasts browser game

The list of good resolutions for 2014 seems to have been quite long for the creative minds at the Bamberg games company Upjers, as a number of new games are currently being released – including Battle of Beasts. In the brand new strategy browser game, your task is to find as many monsters as possible, raise them and send them into battle against your fellow players – after all, you want to show what you’re made of, right?

Play Battle of Beasts for free

The gameplay is a bit reminiscent of the classic Pokémon, except that in Battle of Beasts you’re not hunting Pikachu, but rather monsters that have their own needs and desires. To fulfill these requirements, you produce special food and train the little beasts to become a respected ruler.

But that’s not all, because your subjects need space – so you have to conquer new territories to build a unique empire. There are also numerous quests to complete and adventures to complete, because Battle of Beasts is more than just a simple fantasy game: In Battle of Beasts you are supposed to build your own monster empire!

Becoming a ruler is not difficult, but being a ruler is very difficult

The good news: Once you’ve registered for free with Battle of Beasts, you can officially call yourself a ruler. But running a successful empire requires more than that. More monsters, more subjects, more taxes – because gold is power!

But don’t worry, Upjers will guide you towards this big task with lots of small orders. In this way, you will easily learn to build supply buildings to produce food for your monsters and to create residential buildings for the residents of your empire. This gives you rental income, which you can then use to buy new buildings and monsters. In this way, you can gradually put together a powerful horde of monsters with which you can conquer new regions and really heat up your fellow players.

The more successful you are, the more subjects will want to move into your empire – so keep an eye on the number of residential buildings in your empire to create enough space. In addition, you must obtain their favorite monsters and decorations to attract even more population to your empire.

But be careful: If your residents don’t feel safe in their surroundings, they’ll quickly disappear again – so training and training your monsters is a must! You carry out this task in the enclosures in which your creatures are housed. However, depending on the monster’s preferences, they require special accommodation and food to develop their full strength.

The conquest of foreign regions

As the strategy game progresses, things will get pretty tight – so it’s time to expand! Gather your horde and send them into enemy countries by choosing a suitable region on the campaign map. Once you have completely conquered a country, you can demand tribute from the people living there several times a day. The amount of gold depends on the strength of your monsters – so it’s worth investing in training the creatures.

If your gold supply runs out, you can also attack other rulers and plunder their lands.

Every ruler needs support

You’ve probably already noticed that there’s a lot to do in Battle of Beast – reason enough to get help from friends early on. On the one hand, they can help you by visiting your settlement and completing small tasks, or you can pay them a visit in return and collect bonus stars. You can exchange three of them for bonus cards.

As you conquer other regions, you collect more map pieces that can be traded with friends. If you absolutely cannot complete a set of cards, there is the option of completing them in exchange for diamonds – the premium currency in the browser game. But apart from that, you can of course play Battle of Beasts completely for free!

Conclusion on Battle of Beasts

Battle of Beasts fits into the series of typical Upjers browser games: it’s easy to understand, great to play in between and is simply fun. You will become a respected ruler even with a normal amount of time!

The developers have also remained true to themselves when it comes to design and music. As usual, you will scroll over your kingdom in a bird’s eye view and keep an eye on your subjects and monsters. The browser game is not graphically state-of-the-art, but it impresses above all with exciting adventures and action-packed battles in which tactical skills in dealing with your army and enemy troops are important.

If you’re looking for a new addictive strategy game, be sure to check out Battle of Beasts and start your career as a ruler over monsters and subjects.

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